Multiple Olympic and World champion Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce is ready for all and sundry at the National Championships which comes up a couple of weeks.

Shelly Racers

The 2008 and 2012 champion over 100m blasted from the blocks and kept her form well posting 10.88 seconds to win at the 4th Racers Adidas Grand Prix. Jonelle Smith was second with 11.20.

“This is my third victory here and honestly I’m happy with the time of 10.88 as I’ve always wanted to lower the meet record to under 11 seconds,” said Fraser-Pryce. “I couldn’t have asked for more and I’m really looking forward to the national trials (Championships) in two weeks.” With Elaine Thompson posting 10.89 earlier in the week, this could be the best race at the Championships.

Jamaica’s fastest man this season, Yohan Blake, had to settle for second after running 10.01 behind Great Britain’s Zharnel Hughes’ 9.97.

Diamond League champion Fedrick Dacres continues to impress, throwing over 68 metres everywhere he goes. This time it was 68.10m for a facile win, with a series that included at least two other throws over 67m.

Improving triple Jumper Shaneika Ricketts was in record-breaking form, a 14.69m to win the event.

A sluggish corner by Akeem Bloomfield saw him five metres behind Rasheed Dwyer coming off the curve but Bloomfield used his quarter mile strength to get by Dwyer, winning in 20.34 to Dwyer’s 20.43.

“My start was sluggish and I got left in the blocks,” said Bloomfield, who will contest only the 200m at the National Championships. “After that, I tried to run a controlled race and finish injury free.”