Elevate TheGame2Elevate the Game – Building the Muscle of the Mind, Jamaica


It is with great pleasure that the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport in partnership with the Optimisation Hub presents this exciting Forum, Elevate the Game – Building the Muscle of the Mind to the sportsmen and sport-women of Jamaica.

One main objective of this Forum is to allow those in sport the platform to make the connection between building the muscle of our mind and our physical talents.

Strengthening the muscle of our mind is now on the world agenda and agenda of action. There have been many variables in an athlete’s life that have created many challenges and obstacles to overcome. In recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new stressors for everyone including athletes. The new experiences gained during these times taught us the significance of mental strength and resilience.

Please join us at this sponsored international yet Jamaican-centered event with athletes, sports organizations, governments ministry, and colleges to carve the future of Jamaican sport and elevation of the game.