The Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA)/Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA) Olympic Destination Series will get going this Saturday with the first in the three-meet series starting at 8:15 am and ending at 10:45 am. The other two events in the series will be on consecutive Saturdays on May 29 and June 5.

Ludlow Watts, treasurer of the JAAA, outlined the need for the event and the costs associated with the event’s staging at a recent launch of the series. “The COVID-19 pandemic has set us back immeasurably; maybe the only consoling factor is the recognition that athletes from all other countries which compete against Jamaica on the biggest stages have had to endure similar challenges. “It is quite evident though that foreign threats have been intensifying as we note encouraging athletic performances emerging from near and far. Of course, as always, it is a competition that has been driving such performances and thankfully we are now in a better place to plan meets, which will provide the type of competition for our athletes that will help to get them into shape to represent Jamaica and to represent us well on the international stage,” Watts said.

Watts indicated that the event has a two-fold effect: to provide competition and provide financial incentives to the athletes who have had their earnings significantly impacted by the pandemic. “The JOA/JAAA Olympic Destination Series event planned for May 22, 29 and June 5 is intended to provide good-quality competition. It bears repeating that not only have our national athletes been without active competition for too long, but by and large they have been without a regular income and this series of events will address both.”

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