Athletes and their support team are advised of the following vital requirements for entry to the Jamaica Carifta Trials 2022 edition.
Along with the general bio information collected for entry to each development meet, these specific, vital requirements are as follows and without which entry may be delayed and/or rejected.
Specific Requirements
- copy of athlete’s COVID-19 Vaccination Card (back and front)
- copy of Passport Bio Page with a legible (clear enough to read) expiration date, issue date, date of birth, full name and photo
General Requirements
- School’s or institution’s information: address, contact name, number and email.
- Personal information: full name, date of birth, gender, mailing address, phone number, email, nationality information, and emergency contact details.
- Participation information: events and gear
- Medical information: height, weight, allergies (if any), nature of the allergy, any and all medications and injuries.
Please have the above information on hand before you attempt the entry. Your cooperation is required and appreciated.