On a rain-affected third day in Cali, Tina Clayton forgot about the weather and exhibited her superb sprinting qualities to defend her 100m title in a Championship record 10.95.

Clayton got out well and went away from the field with every confident stride. To put the icing on the cake, Serena Cole grabbed silver for a perfect finale.

Jamaica now has five medals; one gold, three silver and a bronze.

Earlier, the Jamaican quarter milers put on a grand show after the showers and subsequent restart. Dejanea Oakley showed her battling qualities as she fought to the line to guarantee a spot in the final of the 400m for women. She drew in lane six with Indian star Rupal just behind. Oakley chose to lead and held on until the last couple of metres before being headed by Rupal 52.27 to 52.29. The final should be another battle royal. Teammate Rickiann Russell was left behind in another semifinal finishing 7th in 54.44.

In the 400m semifinals for men, Shemar Uter ran powerfully to achieve a personal best of 45.96 and a spot in the final.
Delano Kennedy was even faster as finished the last 100m very hard to win his semifinal in 45.49 personal best.

Roshawn Clarke 50.71 and Antonio Forbes 52.45 both qualified for the semifinals of the 400mH for men, while Bryan Levell (20.34) advanced to the final of the men’s 200m after winning his semifinal from lane 8.

Oneika McAnnuff surprisingly could only manage 59.74 to finish 6th in the semifinal of the 400mH and was eliminated.