Be among the first to buy tickets for the biggest event on the 2023 sporting calendar, the pinnacle event of athletics.

There will be special offers and discounts for families and group bookings, making this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to enjoy the event with those closest to you and premium tickets for those who want to get closest to the field of play. Packages will also be available if you want to follow your favourite athletes from the heats to the finals or your favourite events like the throws and jumps.

This global event will be in central Europe for the first time, in one of the most stunning cities in the world. With its renowned sites and world-famous panorama, Budapest will provide the perfect backdrop for the athletes.

Every session of the World Championships in the brand new, purpose-built athletics centre promises exciting and memorable moments. Multiple world champions will be crowned in each of the nine evening sessions and all five-morning programmes will offer an exciting mix of events and athletes. In addition to the 14 stadium sessions, there will be six road events held in the World Heritage site of central Budapest. The World Championships’ programme has been designed to maximise the number of occasions superheroes of athletics can be seen on the track.

To find out more, you can check out the schedule here.

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