Kingston, Jamaica – The Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA) is gearing up for its Annual General Meeting (AGM), tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 23, 2024 at the Jamaica College Auditorium. This year’s AGM is particularly significant as it is a voting year for executive positions.

Nominations and Membership Dues

Members interested in running for executive positions are encouraged to declare their nominations soon. Nominations can begin at any time.

To participate in the AGM and exercise your voting rights, it is crucial to ensure that your membership dues are paid in full by September 30, 2024.

Agenda and Voting

The AGM agenda remains consistent with previous years. The meeting will commence with reports from the JAAA President and Treasurer, followed by a question-and-answer session. The highlight of the AGM will be the voting for officers of the association.

A Saturday Affair

To accommodate the sometimes lengthy voting process, the JAAA has decided to hold the AGM on a Saturday. This will allow for ample time for all members to cast their votes and ensure a smooth and efficient election.

About the JAAA

The JAAA is the governing body for track and field, athletics in Jamaica. Recognized by World Athletics and sponsored by Puma, the JAAA plays a vital role in promoting and developing the sport in the country.